The Wallace Collection: A hidden gem of Art, History and Architecture in London’s West End

I have spent many a Sunday afternoon strolling between The Wallace Collection’s grand rooms, each time being impressed by a different aspect of its multitude of cultural dimensions. Nestled away from the hustle and bustle of Oxford Street, in the heart of London, The Wallace Collection stands as a testament to the exquisite taste and … Continue reading The Wallace Collection: A hidden gem of Art, History and Architecture in London’s West End

Tweed – Unravelling the woven history of the iconic fabric 

The perfectly versatile Harris Tweed has been a staple in my wardrobe for many years. Considering my tweed obsession is continually growing, I thought it was time I delved into the history and origin of the iconic fabric and shared my style ideas for incorporating tweed into a (somewhat!) modern look, if, unlike me, you … Continue reading Tweed – Unravelling the woven history of the iconic fabric